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Rani Durgavati Vishwavidyalaya
Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh NAAC Accredited “A” Grade University

Officers and Heads of Department

Officers and Heads of Department

SNo Name Position/Designation Contact
1 Prof. Rajesh Kumar Verma Vice Chancellor  
2 Dr. R.K. Baghel Registrar   0761-4009762 (O)
3 Dr. Rashmi Tandon Mishra Exam Controller 9424867996
4 Prof. Vivek Mishra Dean Student Welfare 7222944421, 0761-4069489
5 Prof. Rakesh Bajpai Dean College Development Council 9425389362
6 Shri Suresh Katiya Finance Controller  
7 Shri Abhaykant Mishra Asstt Registrar  (Store, Confidential, Exam, Secretary to Hon'ble VC) 9425308802
8 Dr. Deepesh Mishra Dy. Registrar  
9 Smt. Sunita Devdi Asstt. Registrar (Conf., Exam, SC ST Cell, CM Helpline L1) 7694078431
10 Ms. Minal Gupta Assistant Registrar (Development and General Sec) 7222944427
11 Shri Jyoti Kharadi Assistant Registrar  
12 Dr. Ashok Marathe Coordinator (NSS) 9425446884
13 Er. Vinod Jarolia University Engineer 9669443760
14 Shri R.P. Kori  In-charge Asstt.Reg. Exam (For Degree, Migration, Transcript, Verification etc) 9479441110
  RTI (Right to Information Act 2005)  Officer Address
1 Vice Chancellor Prof. Rajesh Kumar Verma, I appellate Officer, RDVV Jabalpur VC Office, Saraswati Vihar, Pachpedi, South Civil Line, RDVV Jabalpur 482001
2 Registrar

Prof. Rajendra Kurariya

Lok Suchna Adhikari, RDVV, Jabalpur

Registrar Office, Saraswati Vihar, Pachpedi, South Civil Line, RDVV Jabalpur 482001
3 Exam Controller/DRs/ARs/HODs/SOs Sahayak Lok Suchna Adhikari Saraswati Vihar, Pachpedi, South Civil Line, RDVV Jabalpur 482001





  Head/Incharge of the Departments    
SNo Department Head/Incharge/Director Contact
1 Academic Staff College Dr. S.S. Sandhu 9424395270
2 Adult and Continuing Education Prof. Vivek Mishra 9425483652
3 Ancient Indian History, Culture & Archeology Prof. Vivek Mishra 9425483652
4 Bio Design Innovation Centre Prof. S.S. Sandhu 9424395270  
5 Biological Science Prof. S.S. Sandhu -
6 Chemistry & Pharmacy Prof. P.K.  Khare  9425383275
7 Economics   9425861917
8 English Prof. Vivek Mishra 9425483652
9 Geography Dr. Lokesh Shrivastava 9425388973
10 Hindi Prof. Dhirendra Pathak (Incharge) 9115404188
11 History -     (Incharge)  
12 Journalism and Communication Studies Prof. Dhirendra Pathak 9115404188
13 Law Prof. Divya Chansoriya 9893414754
14 Library and Information Science   8085965629
15 Mathematics and Computer Science Dr. J.K. Maitra  9039681015
16 Philosophy Prof. Bharat Kumar Tiwari 9425159578
17 Physical Education Dr. Vishal Banne 9425866200
18 Physics and Electronics Prof. Rakesh Bajpai 9425389362
19 Political Science Prof. Vivek Mishra 9425483652
20 Sanskrit,Pali and Prakrit Prof. Radhika Prasad Mishra 9425188781
21 School of Education Prof. Alka Nayak 9827532051
22 Sociology and Social Work - -
23 Tribal Studies Dr. Lokesh Shrivastava 9425388973
24 Uni. Institute of Vocational Studies and Skill Development Prof. Surendra Singh 8989737697
25 Uni. Institute of Vocational Study & Skill Dev. Centre Prof. Surendra Singh 8989737697
26 Uni.Institute of Computer Science and its Applications Prof. M. Dube 9893369887
27 University Institute of Management Dr. Ashish Sharma 9424397192
28 Yoga  Prof. Bharat Kumar Tiwari 9425159578
29 Women Study Centre Prof. M. Dube